13 October 2013
Follow @ortaCocoaPods is more than just a tool, CocoaPods is a community of over a thousand commiters, six thousand Podspecs and hundreds of thousands of users. To say the community is growing is a mild understatement. One of the cool things about a big community is that there's the chance that people will get clumped enough together to make meeting up and sharing ideas a possible. I'd like to announce our first attempt at trying to bring people together, starting in New York City this November.
Cocoa Kucha is a meetup in the style of Pecha Kucha. The idea is we get 8 people to talk about a topic related to Objective-C for 6 minutes and 20 seconds. 20 slides at 20 seconds. Mix that with some drinks and conversation and I think we've got a nice evening.
The format of a Pecha Kuchas makes it a great way to start experimenting with public speaking. The first time I spoke publicy was at a Pecha Kucha on folk dancing in the UK, and then later on the history of the game monopoly. At this point I'd like to open invites for people to talk, currently all of the slots are open and I will edit this post when all the slots are closed.
You can join our NYC meetup group to keep up to date, and the event will allow RSVPs 2 weeks before on the 6th Nov. Thanks to @W5mith & meetup.com for hosting us this time.
Currently confirmed for the 20th
Blake Watters - @adamhowardprice
Nils Hayat - @nilsou
Daniel Amitay - @danielamitay
Dustin Barker - @dstnbrkr
Bryan Irace - @irace
Klaas Pieter - @klaaspieter
Billy Gray - @billymeltdown
Jack Flintermann - @jflinter