Cocoa Kucha 2
16 Jan 2014

Cocoa Kucha is back, this time in London on the 16th of January. I'm excited to announce that Fabio Pelosin is going to make an apperance. Fabio is the biggest contributor to CocoaPods with well over 3000 commits across the various repositories. Along with Fabio, both Orta Therox and myself will be there. Orta has organised this event, and it's kindly hosted by Daniel Haight from NSLondon.

Like last time, this meetup is in the style of Pecha Kucha where there are 8 speakers doing short talks related to Objective-C for 6 minutes and 20 seconds. The speaker must go though 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide.

There is a great line up of speakers for the upcoming Cocoa Kucha, ranging from the author of SBJson, Stig Brautaset to Damien DeVille, a software engineer at the ever popular Realmac Software.

Currently confirmed for the 16th

You can join the NSLondon meetup group to keep up to date, and the event will allow RSVPs 2 weeks before on the 2nd of January.