Search API Version 1

I'm going to break up the doom & gloom around the Specs Repo change with some good news. We have opened up v1 of our search API!

This is the API used in and soon on CocoaDocs. Read on to find out how to use it in your own applications, I'm really excited to see what people do with it.

API Description

Pods Endpoint

Query String Parameters

query:    The query string.
amount:   The number of results requested [Default: 20].
start-at: The offset in the set of results [Default: 0].


What query string do I use?

The query string you use is what you type into the search engine on In addition, you can filter on either or both platforms by prefixing the query string with on:ios, on:osx, or on:ios on:osx (we hide this behind the four radio buttons).

For example, if you'd like to only see "test" pods that run on iOS then you prefix the query string with on:ios:

curl ''


We return 4 different formats, all in JSON:

  1. Picky-style results with pod data as hashes.
  2. Picky-style results of pod names as string.
  3. Flat list of results with pod data as hashes.
  4. Flat list of results of pod names as string.

What format you'd like you need to provide via the Accept header. The 4 options above translate into:

Accept: application/; version=1
Accept: application/; version=1
Accept: application/; version=1
Accept: application/; version=1


You don't have to provide all the details. For example, providing no version will return the latest version. We recommend that you always provide the version nonetheless.

See a list of all specs. All of these parameters will return a result.

The default format is Picky-style results with pod information as a hash.



curl '' \
  -H "Accept: application/; version=1"

curl '' \
  -H "Accept: application/; version=1"

curl '' \
  -H "Accept: application/; version=1"

curl '' \
  -H "Accept: application/; version=1"

Query Params

curl '' \
  -H "Accept: application/"

curl '' \
  -H "Accept: application/"

curl '' \
  -H "Accept: application/"

Convenience Endpoints

It's not always convenient to use curl on the command line and type the Accept header. So we also offer 4 further endpoints, for quick result viewing in a browser.


As we improve the search engine, it might be down for half a minute at a time, sporadically. Please allow for this eventuality in any user interfaces.

Have fun with it - we are curious what you all are coming up with! Personally, I'd love a CocoaPod that parsed Picky-style results and provided it to other applications <3