Cocoa Kucha 4
San Francisco
28th May 2014

Orta has been kind enough to organise yet another Cocoa Kucha. This time he's pulled together an awesome collection of talented people based in San Francisco, along with a couple of visitors down for WWDC. Cocoa Kucha 4 is generously hosted by HipByte after their RubyMotion #inspect conference, which is just days before WWDC kicks-off.

Like with the other Kuchas, this meetup is in the style of Pecha Kucha where there are 8 speakers doing short talks related to Objective-C for 6 minutes and 20 seconds. The speaker must go though 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. This keeps them to the point and makes it a lot easier for people to get started.


I'm excited to share the list of speakers, which includes five members of the CocoaPods dev team:

The event is hosted at Fort Mason after the first day of the #inspect conference. Join our meetup group and RSVP online.

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