2 May 2014
Follow @kylefullerOrta has been kind enough to organise yet another Cocoa Kucha. This time he's pulled together an awesome collection of talented people based in San Francisco, along with a couple of visitors down for WWDC. Cocoa Kucha 4 is generously hosted by HipByte after their RubyMotion #inspect conference, which is just days before WWDC kicks-off.
Like with the other Kuchas, this meetup is in the style of Pecha Kucha where there are 8 speakers doing short talks related to Objective-C for 6 minutes and 20 seconds. The speaker must go though 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. This keeps them to the point and makes it a lot easier for people to get started.
I'm excited to share the list of speakers, which includes five members of the CocoaPods dev team:
Andy Arvanitis - @andyarvanitis
Delisa Mason - @kattrali
Kyle Fuller - @kylefuller
Leonard Grey - @speednoise
Marin Usalj - @_supermarin
Michele Titolo - @micheletitolo
- Rebecca Goldman - @RebeccaGoldman
Sam Soffes - @soffes
Eloy Durán - @alloy
The event is hosted at Fort Mason after the first day of the #inspect conference. Join our meetup group and RSVP online.